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We’ll dismantle Bello’s political dynasty in Kogi, Achuba vows

A former deputy governor of Kogi State, Simon Achuba, and former lawmakers in the state have vowed to dismantle the political dynasty which they alleged was being created by Governor Yahaya Bello.

Achuba stated this in Abuja yesterday while fielding questions from journalists shortly after dozens of former House of Assembly members in the state formally declared to mobilise for the candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Muritala Ajaka, during the November 11 governorship election.

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The former deputy governor bemoaned how serving lawmakers were being treated in the state by the governor, saying members of the House of Assembly have no befitting offices in the assembly complex located in Lokoja, the state capital.

According to him, a situation where someone is being imposed on the generality of Kogi people, where judiciary was being arm-twisted would not work again in the Confluence State.

Led by Hon Simon Atadoga, the group drawn from the three senatorial districts of the state, argued that Ajaka has the capacity to reposition the state to its envious pride of place among the comity of other states in the federation.