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You’ve been doing the nasty- Toke Makinwa reveals what she thinks of whenever she sees a pregnant woman


Toke Makinwa

Controversial Nigerian media personality Toke Makinwa has revealed the one thing she thinks of any time she sees a pregnant lover.

According to the divorced media girl and serial entrepreneur, when she sees a pregnant woman all she thinks is all the positions that got her there.

Toke Makinwa made this known via her Twitter page. In her own words, she wrote;

“Every time I see a pregnant lady, all I imagine is all the positions that got her here. You’ve been doing the nasty. My mind is crazy I know”

Kemi Filani recalls Nigerian media personality, Toke Makinwa also advised fans to be human and not always try to be strong .

The controversial media personality, made warned fans in a series of tweets to allow themselves to be emotional sometimes as even in moments of hurt, the last thing they will do is to pray..

In her words;

All that stay strong, trust God, don’t lose faith talk is not without days of real pain, days when praying is the last thing you feel like doing, days when your faith is totally gone, it is part of it, life is a journey. Feel your emotions in peace

Nobody knows how long the affliction of Job lasted for, we are told he never cursed or doubted God, he was strong, etc but I’m sure he had days of immense sadness, disappointment, bitterness and pain too. It’s all part of it, let yourself feel all that emotion, u are human

Part of your growth – you growing, is your ability to “feel” too, you don’t have to be strong all the time, it’s ok to feel that disappointment, loss, betrayal, let yourself go and feel the process. It doesn’t make you weak, you are HUMAN.

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