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Victims share horror experiences of rape


RUKAYAT Ibrahim, 35, a housewife and mother of six  was kidnapped in her village in masuku.

Recounting her experience with the bandits, Rukayat said “It was in broad daylight that they attacked our village. In the process, I was kidnapped because I was not able to run fast like the men and young people and escape on time.

After they abducted us, we trekked a whole week in the forest before we got to their camp. It was so bad my legs were swollen. I spent four weeks in their den because my people could not raise my ransom money in time. After some time, they came and raped me at night. I was helpless and could not put up any resistance.”

Asked if they also beat her and other female captive, Rukayat said, “They gave us food but not enough. We women were not beaten but raped repeatedly. I was asked to tell my people to raise a ransom of N1.5million; but in the end, they collected the N1milion that my people were able to raise.

Asked how many women were there while she was captive, Rukayat said, several, but noted that only four of them, whose people could not quickly raise the ransom that were raped.

“Even my biological father, who was also kidnapped, was released ahead of me.”

Asked how her husband has taken the whole experience, the mother of six said he has taken it in good fate, knowing that it is the will God.

She also said she has gone through medical examination and certified free of any sexually transmitted disease.

She also said it was an experience she would not wish on her worst enemy.

On the condition in the Kuta Internally Displaced Persons’ camp, located in Dr idris Central Primary School, Shiroro LGA, where they are taking refuge, Rukayat said, said the government only feeds them once a day, at night. The other meals they struggle to provide themselves by begging and other side hustles. “We are in a strange land and there is no way we can farm or do any serious work.”

Sabura Muhammed, 25, also hails from Masuku. She is a mother of three and was kidnapped alongside Rukayat.

She said she was nursing a baby at the time and as such could not run fast enough. She was kidnapped along with her baby.

She was one of the women whose people couldn’t quickly raise her ransom, and as such had to go through the ignominy of rape by the miscreants.

A consequence of that experience is the fact that her sick baby is yet to recover.

“He has not been responding to treatment; he is really sick and rejecting all food,” she said.

Unfortunately, she said the baby is also not getting the required treatment because there are not enough drugs in the camp’s clinic.

The Nation also spoke to two men, who claimed he took ransoms to the kidnappers to buy their people’s freedom.

One of them is Zakari Galadima Masuku, an elder in Masuku Village, said he was in the village when the bandits attacked the last time. “They came in a convoy of motorcycles. Three were on a bike; one, driving while the other two were with guns. The day came, the men were able to run away, but the female because they could not leave their children behind, could not make it to safety. So they took the female, knowing that the men would look for money to ransom their women. I took a ransom of N2million to buy the freedom of Rukayat and Sabura.”

Asked how they were able to raise such huge amounts, Galadima Masuku said, “We had to summon a meeting of all our relatives to raise the money.  It took us six whole weeks.”

Asked what security measures they are putting in place to ensure that such attacks do not happen again, Galadima Masuku said, “Nothing. No action is being taken and that is why the situation is escalating. The criminals are able to have a field day because there is no military intervention anywhere around. As we speak, hardly would you find anybody in Masuku. Virtually everybody in the towns along that axis has been sacked. You can quote me on this. All the communities in Lakpma axis of Shiroro LG have been sacked and they have taken refuge in IDP camps. This camp, where we are in Kuta, is safest because of River Kaduna, which separates it from the Lakpma axis. The river also prevents the bandits from attacking the camp, as they cannot easily access it with their bikes.”

Mallam Saleh Yusuf Kokki is an uncle to the activist, Sanni Abubakar Yusuf Kokki. The 41-year-old farmer corroborates Kokki’s earlier statement that their village has been attacked countless time.

“They have attacked Kokki not less than seven times. There was a time they even set some houses on fire.” This was aside the day they came while it was raining, hoping to catch the villagers unawares and take them captives.

On number of casualties, Yusuf Kokki said, “Not less than five altogether, if my memory serves me right. Last year, a man, one of those who confronted the bandits, was killed.”

He disclosed that he took N2million to the bandits to rescue three of their men. “We also took a carton of Amasco oil for cars and break oil, on demand, for their motorcycles.”

Asked what kind of stories the men came back with, Yusuf Kokki said, “They were beaten and tortured, especially when their ransom was not raised early. The more they stayed in their den, the more they were tortured.”

Appeal to government

Kokki said, “As we speak, the whole communities are at the mercy of kidnappers and there is no hope at all; because by our observation, the government is not taking any measure to assuage our trouble.

Sarki on his part made a long appeal: “Anytime you’re filing this story, please help us emphasise on security outposts.  These bandits have surrounded us and we are living by the grace of God. There is another place called Paka Kadi, also under chikum LG, where they have commandeered a secondary school and it has become like their barracks. As we speak, the bandits are there and no one dares go anywhere near. They know everybody in the community and if you, a stranger strays there, they will stop and interrogate you. So help us make a demand for a security post; that is what will salvage the area.


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