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Subscribers hail Glo’s Beep Call Service


Our Reporter

Beep Call service recently unveiled by national telecommunications company, Globacom, has been described as useful and reliable by subscribers to the Glo network.

The subscribers, who spoke to the media, commended the company for introducing the package which they said has been of immense benefits.

Amisu Usman, who lost his purse and was stranded without credit on his phone in Nyanya, an Abuja suburb attested to using the Glo Beep Call Service. According to him: “My brother called me after seeing the missed call on his phone and I explained my situation after which he transferred money to me, which I collected at a nearby bank for my transport fare back home, It was not funny that day, I was saved by the Glo Beep Call Service”.

In Lagos, Moyosola Ladipo is a Property Manager whose car packed up one evening. He said “It was the Glo Beep Call Service that saved the situation. I had exhausted my credit, hoping to recharge in the neighborhood when I get home. I used the Beep Call Service call and lo and behold my wife called back and later sent me credit, which I used to contact my Mechanic, who came in later to fix the car”.

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The Glo Beep Call Service, according to Globacom provides opportunity for Glo subscribers with little or no credit to place urgent and important call to their contacts.

It describe the recently unveiled package as an “intelligent solution through which Glo subscribers can call loved ones, friends and associates anytime they run out of airtime. The network will then leave a “missed call” on the called number, prompting him or her to call back”.

The company added that the need to keep customers talking on its network, especially at critical periods underscored the need for packaging the Beep Call Service.

On how the service works, Glo said ”Subscribers will simply call their contacts with low or zero balance, the network will leave a “missed call” on the called number, requesting them to call back and the called party will see a missed call and be prompted to return the call.”

Globacom which said the service is FREE, added that glo subscribers have been benefiting from the service since it was unveiled.

While urging Nigerians to make effective use of the new offer to stay in touch with their families, friends and contacts at all time, Glo assured them of continuous provision of innovative packages.


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