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Rainstorm wrecks havoc in Osun community


By Toba Adedeji, Osogbo

A rainstorm has destroyed property worth millions over the weekend in Ipetumodu community of Osun State.

The Nation learnt the areas affected include C&S Grammar School Akinola; Ipetumodu Town Hall; Market Square to Sooko; Alagbayun to Origbo Community High School, Koso, OCHS Ipetumodu and Adekola compound, Isale-Ola.

A statement by the chairman and General Secretary, Ipetumodu Development Forum, IDF, Elder Taiwo Oyetade and Kehinde Oyetumbi, explained wooden and containers were blown away while traffic was obstructed by electric poles, which fell on the main roads linking Ipetumodu with other neighbouring communities.

Read Also; Windstorm destroyed 35 houses in Imo, says NEMA

“Although no casualty was recorded many residents were seeing parking out of their buildings which roofs were blown off by the heavy downpour.

“The rain, which started around 4:12 pm and lasted till 5:54 pm, has rendered many residents of the ancient Ipetumodu community homeless.” they said.

They called for urgent intervention by the state, local and federal governments because “social and economic activities of the entire Ipetumodu have been paralysed due to the ravaging flood, we need help.”


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