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Police arrest inspector who assaulted man in viral video

The Imo Police command says it has arrested an Inspector of Police who assaulted a young man in a viral video.

In a statement by the command’s spokesman, ASP Henry Okoye, on Wednesday, the state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr Mohammed Barde, condemned the unprofessional conduct of the police personnel.

“The command condemns this irritating act in totality as it highly contradicts the professional ethics and code of conduct of the force.

“The Nigeria Police Force is a highly disciplined organisation and will never tolerate the misconduct of the officer seen in the video.

“The CP mandated his Monitoring Team to investigate and identify the officer for necessary disciplinary action,” Okoye stated.

The police spokesman, who did not disclose the name of the police inspector, said the personnel had been identified and arrested.

“The recalcitrant Inspector has been identified and he is currently undergoing orderly room trial after which necessary disciplinary action will be taken against him,” he stressed.

A viral video with the caption ”Nigeria Police can never be your friend, especially the ones in Owerri” had circulated on social media.

The video showed the policeman removing the cap of a young man forcefully, and slapping him severally on his face.

The incident which happened in Owerri, the state capital of Imo, had elicited reactions as many condemned the inhuman act meted out to the victim. (NAN)

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