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MURIC knocks Phrank Shaibu over attack on Shettima

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has berated Mr. Phrank Shuaibu, an aide to former Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, for accusing Vice President Kashim Shettima of aiding and abetting Boko Haram insurgents during his tenure as governor of Borno State.

In a statement on Sunday, Executive Director of MURIC, Prof Ishaq Akintola, said Shuaibu specifically accusing Shettima of aiding the abduction of the Chibok girls is false, malicious, odious and insidious.

“We are confounded both by the weight and intensity of these allegations, particularly against a sitting vice president. They are false, malicious, odious and insidious. They are simply lies from the pit of Jahannam.

“How could any rational being accuse VP Shettima of aiding Boko Haram? It is on record that former President Goodluck Jonathan threatened to withdraw federal troops from Borno State when Shettima as the state governor complained of a glaring lackadaisical approach from the federal government to the Boko Haram saga. He asked if Shettima would be able to stay in the government house if he withdrew federal troops.

“Jonathan’s exact words were, ‘I will pull them out for one month whether he (Shettima) will stay in that his Government House. But, if he thinks what he said is correct then I will pull out the armed forces for one month.’

“VP Shettima had complained to the visiting president that Boko Haram was gaining the upper hand in the region because Nigerian soldiers are not well armed. But an angry Jonathan gave him the cold response above. It was more than a response. It was a threat. It was like, ‘Behave, or I will unleash them on you,” Akintola said.

He, therefore urged Mr Shuaibu to look elsewhere for those responsible for lapses in the attack on the Chibok girls.

“We have no doubt that he does not have to look far, behind his shoulders, perhaps,” Akintola said.