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Minister visits Dangote Cement plant, insists on environmental compliance

Minister of State for Environment, Dr Iziaq Kunle Salako, on Wednesday, visited Dangote Cement plant in Ibese, Ogun State, insisting on environmental compliance in the operations of the company.

Salako spoke on Wednesday during a familiarisation visit to Dangote Cement plant in the state.

The visit also coincided with stakeholders’ engagement as well experts’ panel review being carried out by the Federal Ministry of Environment on some expansion projects at Dangote Cement plant.

In his remarks, the Minister noted that mining is one of the key sectors President Bola Tinubu’s administration targeted for economic diversification due to gradual shift from oil and gas dependency.

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Salako said while mining sector has huge potential to develop the nation’s economy, there are many challenges associated with operations of mining companies.

According to him, there is a need for mining operations to be done in a sustainable manner so that the environment is not adversely affected.

Salako applauded Dangote Cement for being at the forefront of promoting best practices.

He said “For us in the ministry of environment, it means we must also sit up. Mining as it comes with its advantages, it also comes with its challenges. So, we must be up and doing. As we expand the economy and grow Nigeria, we also do it in a sustainable manner so that the environment is not adversely affected.

“Dangote industry as a whole is an international conglomerate and I am happy that the company is at the forefront of promoting best practices in terms of conception, planning, implementation, management of factories that are makers like this.

“We must continue in that respect to ensure that best practices are always promoted, environmental and social impact assessments are properly carried out, the stakeholders are properly involved and the environment is properly protected so that our growth can be sustainable growth. That’s why we are here and I am happy that Dangote is at the forefront of that.”

He also urged the company to always engage the host communities and contribute optimally to infrastructure development and employment.

“Going forward, we will continue to look up to Dangote to work in this manner in terms of your Corporate Social Responsibilities, supporting the host communities and also supporting development of infrastructure because sometimes your activities put pressure on infrastructure,” Salako said.

The Plant Director, Nawabuddin Azad, told the Minister that the plant operates with 17 communities across Yewa North and Ewekoro Local Government Areas of the state, saying the people had greatly felt the impacts of the company.