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Lagos #EndSARS panel resumes without youth rep


By Robert Egbe

The Lagos State Judicial Panel on Restitution for Victims of SARS and the Lekki Tollgate incident of October 20, 2020, resumed sitting on Tuesday without two of its members.

One of the two youth representatives on the panel, Rinuola Oduala, stayed away, following her decision last Friday to stop further participation in the proceedings.

Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa was also absent, but with the leave of the panel.

The activist-lawyer had, last Saturday, stated that he could quit the panel in the wake of the police handling of the #OccupyLekkiTollgate protest.

Read Also: Youth Rep, Oduala withdraws from Lagos #ENDSARS panel

This followed allegations that about 40 protesters who were arrested at the Lekki Tollgate were stripped naked, beaten and their phones smashed, before their arraignment by the police.

The panel failed to sit on Saturday, and Adegboruwa’s absence yesterday fuelled suggestions that he might have made good his threat to quit.

But the lawyer, who is one of the two civil society representatives on the panel, told The Nation that he had not done so.

“I’m still on the panel, sir. But I was otherwise engaged today to the knowledge of other Panel members,” Adegboruwa said.

With the absence of the two, seven other members of the panel sat to listen to 10 petitions listed for hearing.


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