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How DPR intervened to end fuel price crisis in Rivers


By Mike Odiegwu, Port Harcourt

The sudden hike in fuel price from N163 and N172 per litre to about N212 caused commotion in Rivers State especially in Port Harcourt, the state capital.

Dealers on petrol and owners of filling stations across Port Harcourt did not waste time to adjust to the new price. Even the immediate response from the Federal Government that there was no increment did not persuade them to revert to the old price.

Operators made brisk business smiling to the bank with their profits at the detriment of consumers, who abused President Muhammadu Buhari’s government for visiting them with hardship.

Price increase was the talk of the town at every gathering. Dealers increased the panic by creating artificial scarcity. They hoarded the product and queue started rearing its ugly head in some filling stations.

There was anger in the countenances of people. Fare doubled and prices of consumables including foodstuffs immediately increased. Some commuters resorted to trekking to their destinations.

To douse the tension, the Department of Petroleum Resources summoned depot owners and filling station operators to an emergency meeting.

The department was not comfortable that despite the Federal Government’s position that there was no increase in prices, fuel was still sold above the old price per litre.


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