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Bayelsa Senators kick over reference to state as ‘smallest population’


By Sanni Onogu, Abuja

Two Senators from Bayelsa State on Tuesday objected to a description of their state as being the “smallest state in Nigeria in terms of population.”

Senators Henry Seriake Dickson and Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo said that such a reference was unfortunate.

They were reacting to a comment made by Senator Aishatu Ahmed (Adamawa Central) about the population figure of Bayelsa State.

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Senator Ahmed made the reference when leading a debate on her Bill which seeks to provide for a legal framework for the establishment of a Federal Medical Centre, Mubi, Adamawa State.

While making a case for the establishment of the institution, Ahmed said that Bayelsa state which is the smallest State in Nigeria in terms of population can be overlooked, unlike Adamawa which has one of the biggest landmass.


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