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Bayelsa Airport ready for commercial operations, says Diri


By Simon Utebor, Yenagoa

The Bayelsa State-owned airport is ready for commercial flight operations, Governor Douye Diri has said.

Diri made this known when he made an unscheduled visit to the facility ahead of a final certification visitation by the country’s aviation regulatory authorities on March 30.

In a statement on Wednesday by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Daniel Alabrah, the Governor was quoted as saying that the state government had provided the required facilities for the smooth take-off of operations at the airport.

Dirk said: “I have spent over one year on this project after taking over from my predecessor in office, Senator Seriake Dickson, who initiated it. What we are doing now is dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. So far, I think every requirement is on ground.

“I believe when the inspection teams from the aviation authorities come, they would be satisfied with what we have done and grant us the licence for commercial use of the airport.”

The governor expressed the hope that after the inspection and final submission of the reports, commercial activities would commence at the airport.

He was accompanied on the visit by the Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Moses Teibowei, his Information, Orientation and Strategy counterpart, Ayibaina Duba, Managing Director of the Bayelsa Airport, Captain Bunmi Williams and other top government functionaries.


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