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Abdulsalami appeals to Kagara abductors


By Alao Abiodun

Former Head of State and Chairman, National Peace Committee, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, on Thursday prayed to God to touch the hearts of kidnappers perpetrating criminal activities across the countries.

Abdulsalami described the recent abduction of 27 students and workers of Government Science College, Kagara as “very sad and unfortunate”.

He spoke on AriseTV The Morning Show monitored by The Nation while sympathising with parents of abducted students of Government Science College, Kagara

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The Nation had reported bandits invaded Government Science College Kagara and abducted 27 students, 3 teachers, two non-teaching staff and 9 family members of the staff staying in the quarters on Wednesday morning.

Abdulsalami said, “I appeal to all kidnappers for God sake, let God touch their minds with mercy, let them stop what they are doing.

“You kidnap someone and demand money. What are you going to use that money? In your conscience will you enjoy that money?

“So, I am praying and pleading with miscreants to please abandon this and join hands to live in harmony and I hope they will ask for forgiveness from people they’ve abducted and tormented.”


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