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280 Journalists in West Africa to Receive Training in Digital Verification, Fact-Checking

Google News Initiative (GNI) and DUBAWA, a verification and fact-checking arm in the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID), are set to train journalists on digital verification and fact checking in an effort to foster higher standards of journalism, combat fake news and disinformation in West Africa.

This was stated in a press statement made available to Daily Trust by Dubawa.

Deputy Director in charge of Verification and Media Literacy Practice Caroline Anipah, said the journalists across the three countries would be trained and the initiative provides in-depth training in digital verification and familiarize journalists with specialized Google tools and resources.

‘’This collaboration aims to harness the longstanding efforts of DUBAWA in promoting a culture of truth in journalism and complement it with the digital expertise that GNI brings to the table,’’ she added.

She said Participants would also benefit from two interactive, non-residential workshops in selected regions, supplemented by in-newsroom training sessions.

Also, Vincent Ryan, EMEA Partnerships Manager at Google, remarked factchecking has become imperative especially in the world today’s world.
“In an era where information is both a tool and a weapon, news verification and fact-checking have never been more paramount,” he said.

The Director of Programmes at CJID Akintunde Babatunde expressed appreciation to the team at Google for the collaboration with DUBAWA.