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Police nab man who killed his brother, 502 other suspected criminals in Kaduna

The Kaduna State Police Command has arrested 503 suspects for various offences bordering on banditry, cattle rustling, culpable homicide and other related crimes.

DSP Muhammed Jalidge, the Commands’ spokesman, disclosed this during a parade on Thursday.

He stated that the Command arrested suspects within the space of one month.

Among those paraded is Ismail Mohammed of Maijere Village, Saminaka in the Lere local government area of the state, the suspect who kidnapped and later killed his brother, Kabiru Mohammed, after collecting N120,000 as ransom from the family.

Jalidge added that several weapons, including money, were recovered from the suspects.

“The Police Command in its duties of securing the lives and properties of law-abiding citizens of Kaduna State, has succeeded in arresting five Hundred and three (503) suspects for various crimes which include; armed Banditry, armed Robbery, handsets/handbags snatching, cattle rustling, culpable homicide, rape, shop breaking, theft, vandalization of rail tracks and other related crimes”, he stated.