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Bayelsa woman allegedly slashes own daughter’s body with razor blade over N1500


A 35-year-old woman has been arrested by operatives of the Ekeki division of the Bayelsa State Police Command, for inflicting life-threatening injuries with a razor blade on her 13-year-old daughter, Ebimi Tokoye over allege theft of N1,500.

The accused mother, a trader who distributes locally made bread popularly known as “Madiga” and identified as Priye Richman, was reported to have tied her daughter down and slashed every part of her body with razor blade.

The doctors who treated the child at the Police Hospital located behind the ‘A’ Divisional station said the child was brought in by the members of the Girl Child advocacy groups made up of the Do Foundation, Izon Ladies Association (ILA) and Gender Response Initiative Team (GRIT) with multiple lacerations and over 15 stitches carried out on the injuries including damage to the tendon on her feet.

She also sustained deep cuts to her buttocks and shoulder, he added.

According to the victim, who is an indigene of Okpokunu near Bomadi Local Government of Delta State, “My mother came back around 12 pm on Sunday, after church, and accused me of stealing her N1,500 and I denied because I didn’t see the money. She started beating me and tied me with ropes. She started slashing all parts of my body with razor blade. She later rubbed pepper and kerosene on the injuries.”

“A neighbour pushed down the door and rescued me. The incident lasted over two hours. The concerned neighbour later called members of the Girl Child Advocacy groups who took charge and arrested my mother. And hand her to the Police.”

The President of the Do Foundation, Barr. Dise Sheila Ogbise, condemned the rising cases of domestic violence against the girl-child in the state and the male child.

She said “We condemn these rising cases and call on the members of JUSUN to quickly call off their strike action to allow the quick prosecution of this case to deter others from engaging in the wicked acts of violence against their children”.

Also reacting, the President of the Izon Ladies Association, Yenagoa Branch, High Chief Efua Grace Koroye, described the incident as pathetic and an act of wickedness against the girl-child; we support the rescue of the girl and condemn the attack on the girl-child. We call for the quick resolution of the case.

Contacted on the development, the Spokesman of the Bayelsa State Police Command, Asinim Butswat, confirmed the development and said the accused woman is in police custody and investigation is ongoing.

Bayelsa woman allegedly slashes own daughter’s body with razor blade over N1500


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