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Anita Joseph rains insult on a troll who questioned how she got her husband after she did this…


Anita Joseph and husband

Unarguably many Nollywood stars are repeated victims of trolls daily, while others have learned to live with the situation, others, without hesitation, clap back at the troll.

Nollywood actress Anita Joseph Olagunju recently tackled a follower who questioned how she got her husband.

The actress had taken to her Instagram page to advertise a product that does several things, including getting a good spouse.

Reacting to the post, one follower who seemed displeased with the post commented;

chukwuebukaaluma: Is this how you got your husband

The Nollywood star, in response, told the follower to ask her husband.

As some fans in the comment section came to the defense of the actress, Anita Joseph rain curses on the troll

See the conversation below:

anitajoseph8: @chukwuebukaaluma ask him😂

_adorable_ify: @chukwuebukaaluma e good make man dey get sense sometimes 😏

anitajoseph8: @_adorable_ify this one na efulefu

The post Anita Joseph rains insult on a troll who questioned how she got her husband after she did this… appeared first on Kemi FIlani News.


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