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Criminals now hiding in Kwali, Gwagwalada hills – NSCDC boss

The Commandant-General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, (NSCDC), Dr Ahmed Audi, has disclosed that intelligence reports indicated that criminals are now hiding around the hills of Gwagwalada and Kwali area councils of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). 

Audi disclosed this during the inauguration of the new Operation Office of the NSCDC at the Headquarters of the Kwali Local Government Council, Abuja, on Thursday.

He therefore ordered personnel to work with sister agencies in the Gwagwalada and Kwali axis of the FCT to flush out remnants of bandits and kidnappers within the areas.

Audi said: “Citizens and residents of Kwali should be on alert because we understand that some bad guys are infiltrating these hilly areas of Kwali and Gwagwalada.

“We enjoin all residents of these areas, and in particular Kwali to provide timely information to security agencies who are now working in synergy to flush out all these bad guys.

“They have been degraded elsewhere, so we have to get rid of them from the entire FCT.”

While praising the Kwali Area Council for building a befitting edifice for the NSCDC, Audi said the Corps would reciprocate the gesture by ensuring that they do their part in safeguarding lives and property as well as critical national assets in the area.

Also, Audi inaugurated three gun-fitted trucks at the headquarters of the FCT Command of the NSCDC to improve the command’s capacity to combat crime within the FCT.

Audi however warned the personnel of the Corps not to deploy the equipment being inaugurated to intimidate, harass or molest Nigerians, insisting that the equipment should be used to deal with terrorists, kidnappers and bandits.

The Commandant of the FCT Command of the Corps, Olusola Odumosu, praised the CG for changing the narratives of the Corps within the past three years.

According to Odumosu, “the FCT Command has now been recalibrated to face crime headlong. Besides our regular patrols, the tactical squad will be strategically positioned within the territory to ward off criminals.”