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Resident doctors’ incessant strikes as migraine


Often instigated by welfare issues and the failure of governments at the state and federal levels to honour agreements, the conundrum of recurring industrial actions by the resident doctors, who form the bulk of medical workforce in the nation’s public hospitals, is compounding the crises afflicting the health sector, reports Associate Editor ADEKUNLE YUSUF

Barring any last-minute change of mind, Nigerian doctors under the aegis of the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) would begin a nationwide industrial action today if the Federal Government fails to meet their demands. The litany of demands, according to NARD President, Dr Uyilawa Okhuaihesuyi, bordered on payment of all salaries arrears and other entitlements, among other things. The body gave the government till yesterday to live up to its promises as contained in the agreement it reached with NARD last year.

According to him, the industrial action is sequel to expiration of a 60-day ultimatum earlier given to federal government to pay the salary arrears of house officers across the country and review hazard allowance, among other demands. Unless the proposed strike is nipped in the bud, it would further cripple healthcare services in the country’s major hospitals. In a telephone chat with The Nation yesterday, Okhuaihesuyi said there is no going back on the ultimatum issued to the government, stressing that the proposed industrial action is the collective decision of resident doctors in the country to draw attention to their plight. He said the decision to embark on another round of strike, which he said is a last resort for NARD, was taken during the recent extraordinary national executive council (NEC) meeting of the association.

While lamenting that the association, since the COVID-19 pandemic sneaked into the country like a thief in the night in 2020, has lost 17 doctors whose families and loved ones are yet to benefit from the Death in Service Insurance Scheme promised by the federal government. He also decried the paltry N5,000 hazard allowance paid to its members. He stressed that resident doctors resorted to downing of tools to protest the failure of government to honour agreements reached with the association.

“The NEC unanimously agreed that NARD should proceed on a total and indefinite strike on the 1st of April 2021, by 8am if the following demands are not met. Immediate payment of all salaries owed to all house officers including March salaries (regardless of quota system) before the end of business on the 31st of March 2021.

“The NEC unanimously demanded for the sack of the Registrar of MDCN for failure to demonstrate competence in the handling of the central placement of house officers. This will give room for smooth implementation of the central placement of house officers without further delays,” Okhuaihesuyi said.

What are the bones of contention?

It’s a familiar problem, one that successive administrations have railed against without success. But Nigeria’s health system has repeatedly been engulfed in endless crisis occasioned by strike actions by resident doctors, with dissatisfaction with conditions of service always popping up as the bone of contention. While the government sometimes accuses NARD members of being insensitive employees, resident doctors often label the government of insincerity when it comes to honouring agreements freely entered into with the body. If the issues are sometimes contentious, what is clear is that incessant strikes have snowballed into a repeated kick in the groin in the nation’s already moribund health sector.

In Nigeria, resident doctors, who are undergoing training to become consultants, form the bulk of medical personnel in the country’s major public hospitals. For the proposed strike, the doctors are demanding, amongst other things, payment of all salaries arrears, review of the current hazard allowance to 50 per cent of consolidated basic salaries of all health workers, and payment of the outstanding COVID-19 inducement allowances especially in state-owned tertiary Institutions.

“Immediate payment of all salary arrears including March salaries for our members in all Federal and State Tertiary Health Institutions across the country especially ASUTH, IMSUTH and UNIMEDTH. Upward review of the current hazard allowance to 50 per cent of consolidated basic salaries of all health workers and payment of the outstanding COVID-19 inducement allowance especially in State owned-tertiary Institutions. Payment of death in service insurance for all health workers who died as a result of COVID-19 infection or other infectious diseases in the country.”

According to Okhuaihesuyi, NARD is also demanding the full implementation of September 2017 Memorandum of Terms of Settlement between the association and the government, saying this is the only way to bring lasting peace to the health sector and curb the ongoing ugly trend of brain drain from the health sector.

The NARD President, none of its members has benefited from the life insurance scheme promised by the federal government. This, considering the danger health workers are exposed to during the pandemic, is sad – despite a recent statement by Chairman of the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on COVID-19 and Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Boss Mustapha, that the PTF has received the Life Insurance cover to the frontline workers on COVID-19 for a maximum of 5000 health workers who are employed to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In one of the PTF media briefing sessions, Mustapha disclosed that “the premium in the sum of N112,500,000 for the cover has been fully paid by the Nigerian insurance industry in line with the principle of no premium, no cover.”

Yet, complaints of poor remuneration and welfare of health workers persist, leading to industrial actions in June and September 2020 over these same issues at a time COVID-19 pandemic was raging like wildlife fire. Among other things, hazard allowance (a supplemental pay for workers who do dangerous jobs) has remained a controversial issue between doctors and their employers. It took worse dimensions with the advent of COVID-19 crisis, as health workers who are the first respondents in the frontlines have continued to lament their continued exposure to infections without being compensated as is being done in other climes.

In April 2020, the federal government disclosed that it would pay a special COVID-19 hazard and inducement allowance of 50 per cent of Consolidated Basic Salary to health workers in Nigerian Teaching Hospitals, Federal Medical Centres (FMCs), and designated COVID-19 centres. This, it stressed, would last for the first three months of COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to this, health workers were being paid N5,000 a month as hazard allowance, a sum which NARD said was too little.

Unfortunately, the promise is yet to materialize into action, NARD said. He added that some health workers are yet to receive the hazard allowances while others were paid lower than agreed. “Despite the three months window given to the Federal Government to review the hazard allowance of health workers, the hazard allowance has remained a paltry sum of five thousand (5000) naira monthly,” Okhuaihesuyi said.

This orgy of lamentations is not new, as the association went on strike twice last year over the same issues – in June and September. Last year, while shedding light into why his members embarked on an indefinite nationwide strike action, Dr. Aliyu Sokomba, immediate NARD President, said resident doctors resorted to downing of tools to protest the failure of government to honour agreements reached with the association in June last year. “We have resumed since yesterday the suspended strike, which we embarked on in June this year. We suspended the strike the strike in order to give the government time to assess our concerns. Unfortunately, they failed to do so,” he said.

He said resident doctors had to suspend the strike in June last year over the same issues when eminent Nigerians waded into the issues – a sacrifice to give the federal and state governments time to fulfil the doctors’ outstanding demands. The suspension of the strike then (in June last year) was in deference to the intervention of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, and the SGF, Mustapha, and other respected Nigerians.

The move compelled the doctors to resume the strike in September 2020 due to the government’s failure to meet their demands after a grace of 10 weeks. Among other things, NARD embarked on strike over lack of funding for residency programme in public hospitals, non-payment of hazard allowance, lack of life insurance for doctors, and dearth of basic medical items such as personal protective equipment (PPE) in hospitals.

But NARD’s demands dated back to 2017, as all attempts to use dialogue, including issuing ultimatums and warning strike notices to resolve lingering issues, had failed to achieve desired results.

Consequently, doctors have consistently accused government of not demonstrating sufficient commitment towards addressing their demands. To address protracted crisis foisted by irregular funding of residency programme, Nigeria enacted the Medical Residency Training Act of 2017, which was signed into law on 26 June 2018 by President Muhammadu Buhari.

Among other things, the Act seeks to relieve the public hospitals from funding residency training, which many tertiary health facilities used to pay haphazardly from their internally generated revenue, and place the burden on the shoulders of governments at the state and federal levels.

The federal government has not implemented the provisions as expected, NARD has said, despite budgetary provisions for same. This, he lamented, is a problem because government’s failure to fund residency training has brought about setback in residency training and created crisis in the medical sector.

As for life insurance, NARD has also accused government of insincerity, saying the government has treated health workers’ welfare with levity.

The Nigerian government had promised a special COVID-19 hazard and inducement allowance of 50 per cent of Consolidated Basic Salary to all health workers in tertiary hospitals and designated Covid-19 centres, with the SGF saying about 5,000 frontline health workers have been place on life insurance by the Nigerian insurance industry. However, doctors said the reality paints a contrary picture, as relatives of health workers who have died in the line of duty are yet to receive any insurance benefits.

“We have the problem of life insurance procurement for our members. We have demanded in the past that the life insurance package, which is already in existence as a government policy, be implemented. Many of our members that have died, we want their next of kin to get their deaths in service benefit. We were told that insurance companies have been given needed funds to commence payment but not a single person has been paid,” the NARD President lamented.

Who is a resident doctor?

In Nigeria, a resident doctor is a fully registered medical practitioner undergoing further training in an institution accredited by either the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) and/or the West African Postgraduate Medical College (WAPMC). In both Colleges (NPMCN and WAPMC), fellowship is awarded after passing a 3-stage examination (Primary, Part I and Part II) programmes during the training. Candidates for the residency programme are expected to possess a registrable qualification by the Nigerian Medical and Dental Council (NMDC). Out of a total of about 42,000 doctors practising in the country, resident doctors are not less than 16,000, according to Okhuaihesuyi. He said resident doctors are medical school graduates training as specialists and they are pivotal to healthcare delivery in the country’s major hospitals.

Timeline of health workers’ strike

Bound by the duty of care, Nigeria’s healthcare givers are supposed to be in their duty posts all the times. With this, hospitals are supposed to be open to the public at all times for those in need of healthcare service. However, this is not the case in the country where services at public health facilities are often brought to a grinding halt by industrial actions various professional unions in the crisis-ridden sector.

In the last twenty years, health workers have gone on nationwide strikes for close to a year, if the days and weeks spent in the incessant strikes are summed up. Apart from NARD, other bodies that usually have an axe to grind with the governments at the state and federal levels include Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), Joint Health Sector Unions (JOHESU), Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria (AMLSN) and National Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM).

While issues triggering the strikes have not changed substantially over the years, they range from salary structures to payment of arrears, welfare packages, quality of hospital equipment, and funding for training programmes. Despite the fact that public attention is always focused mainly on nationwide industrial actions, health facilities in many states across the country have also never hesitated to shut down at various times because of grievances over welfare issues.

A review of industrial actions between April 2016 and April 2017 showed that there were at least 17 across the country, out of which six were primary within the healthcare system. Many of the strikes have been recorded to have caused the deaths of patients who could not afford services at private hospitals.


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