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ICAN vows to build capacity of women accountants

The newly inaugurated executives of the Society of Women Accountants of Nigeria in the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (SWAN ICAN) have vowed to build and uplift the capacity of women accountants, especially the younger ones.

Hauwa Umar made this known shortly after her investiture as the second chairperson to steer the affairs of the association for the next two years, at a ceremony in Kano.

She said, “What we do already is to support the women chattered accountants assisting the ICAN in promoting the interest of women.

“We want to empower them with education and to build their capacity so that they can compete anywhere and be able to support themselves and their families and raise their social status.”

On her part, the outgoing chairperson, Christiana Oluranti Lawal, said her administration has done well in the areas of empowerment, adding that the new chairperson should focus on other important issues that will benefit the overall members.