
Herders/farmers clash: Katsina provides arable farmland for ranching


By Augustine Okezie, Katsina

The Katsina State Government have provided 5,000 hectares of arable farmland to be used for ranching by herders in the state, in a bid to address incessant farmers/herders clashes especially in farming villages and communities across the state.

Katsina State Governor, Aminu Bello Masari disclosed this at the just ended 46th annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at the Federal University Dutsin-ma (FUDMA), Katsina.

Masari also described ranching system as capable of providing opportunities for qualitative education for children of herders.

He said; “the only solution to the herdsmen and farmers crisis observed in some parts of the country, is the establishment of ranches in the states, hence the provision of the 5,000 hectares of land.

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“We also identified and beaconed over 3,000 kilometer stock routes across the state in order to provide pathways for herders. It is worthy to note that in the past farming season, we have not experienced conflict between the farmers and herders in the state.

“In view of the federal government approval for the establishment of ranching programme, about 5,000 hectares is set aside by the state government for the system and 2,000 hectares for infrastructure and homestead farming in the ranches.”


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