
FG launches new foreign policy

The Federal Government of Nigeria has unveiled a new foreign policy targeted at taking advantage of its relationship with other countries.

The Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yusuf Tuggar, launched the “4D foreign policy” in Abuja on Monday in the presence of the diplomatic community.

While speaking during the event, he said: “Our new foreign policy document provides a dynamic and new concept which is anchored on Democracy, Development, Demography and Diaspora.

“Nigeria and indeed, Africa’s development depends increasingly on a new line of vision which has been well articulated in Mr President’s new foreign policy concept.”

The Minister noted that democracy had come to stay as the universally accepted form of governance that guarantees freedom, human rights and the rule of law, adding that Nigeria is keen on strengthening democracy in Africa and the world at large.

“Despite its challenges, democracy must be upheld by the people as the best form of government to champion the will of the people.

“Mr President is very clear about the need to further entrench and further consolidate democratic gains made since the return to civil rule in 1999. We will continue to encourage this both in Africa and the world,” he said.

While speaking about the second “D”, he said there was a need for the removal of major impediments to development in Nigeria and the African continent, stressing that the current circle of dependency does not favour social economic growth in Africa.

Tuggar said the country would leverage the Africa Continental Free Trade Area to facilitate the exchange of goods and services while fast-tracking trade and investment through economic cooperation.

Also, he said the current administration intends to use the country’s demographic advantage to harness its human capital resources for development.

“We are happy to say that the youth population of this country is soaring high in fintech, music, arts, sports and so forth. Our foreign policy and diplomatic engagement will be used to showcase the vibrant young talent and skills that our young population possesses for national development,” he said.

Moreso, he said the Nigerian diaspora community plays a major role in the development of the country, pointing out that their remittances had become a significant contributor to Nigeria’s economic growth and development.

“Mr President acknowledges this and believes that a well-structured diaspora community will continue to be a catalyst for Nigeria’s imaging and a veritable source of direct investment.”

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