
Edo Police Raises Alarm Over Growing Involvement of Local In Kidnapping

The Edo State Police Command has raised concerns about the growing involvement of local residents in kidnapping activities within the state.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday in Benin City, State Commissioner of Police Funsho Adegboye highlighted this disturbing trend. He noted that while incidents of kidnapping by herdsmen have somewhat decreased, there has been a noticeable rise in cases involving locals.

“From our recent experiences and the victims we have liberated and debriefed, we have discovered that most of the kidnappers are now locals rather than the herdsmen typically blamed for such crimes,” Adegboye stated.

The commissioner recounted specific cases to illustrate this trend. In Edo North, a suspect was vouched for by community leaders, only for an investigation to confirm his involvement in kidnapping a woman and extorting money from her family. In another incident in Benin City, a 23-year-old man kidnapped a five-year-old girl, held her captive in his room for several days, and extorted a ransom of N250,000 from her parents.

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“We are also investigating whether the minor was sexually molested during her captivity,” Adegboye added. “Our technical arsenal was fully deployed, leading to his arrest and subsequent confession. He has been charged in court.”

To address this issue, the police have been engaging with community leaders and youth groups to raise awareness about the importance of vigilance. Adegboye emphasized that everyone should remain cautious and not blindly trust even their neighbors.

He concluded by urging the public to stay alert and report any suspicious activities to the authorities, reinforcing the message that community cooperation is essential in combating the kidnapping epidemic.

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