Unemployed in court for allegedly breaking car windscreen


The police on Thursday arraigned an applicant, John Olaniyi, at a Grade 1 Area Court, Mpape, Abuja, for allegedly breaking windscreen of a car worth N25,000.

John of Arab Quarry Area, Mpape, Abuja, was charged with one count of mischief.

The Judge, Salihu Ibrahim, granted the defendant bail in the sum of N250, 000.

Ibrahim also ordered the defendant to produce one reasonable and reliable surety.

He adjourned the case until February 15 for hearing.

Earlier, the Prosecution Counsel, M.M Augustine, had told the court that the defendant was said to have mischievously broken a car windscreen valued at N25,000 belonging to the complainant.

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Augustine said that the defendant confessed to the crime during police investigation.

The matter, he said, was reported at Mpape Police Station by the complainant, Abbas Tajudeen.

Augustine said the offence contravened the provisions of Sections 327 of the Penal Code.

The defendant, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge.


Vanguard News Nigeria

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