
FG urged to provide subsidy to airline operators

Amid economic hardship in the country, a former governor of Akwa Ibom State, Udom Emmanuel, has called on the federal government to grant concessions to the airline operators to facilitate ease of operations in the country.

Udom who made the call in Abuja yesterday said the unification of the FX market and the removal of subsidy have seen airlines operate under harsh economic situations. 

 “I think there are some concessions that should be given to the entire aviation industry in Nigeria so that people can move from one place to another. 

“There is no country on the planet that does not have some form of subsidy for some key sectors and I think the aviation sector should not be ignored. 

“I’m not calling for a subsidy for the airline business, but they should be given preference on certain things because they operate in the same market. The economy of any country cannot move or grow if people cannot move from one place to another,” he said.

Speaking about Ibom Air as it reached its five-year milestone, he said, “I feel satisfied for launching Ibom Air under my administration. Out of nothing, we created something, and that is the whole concept of creativity and ideas.”

He noted that Ibom Air is a major differentiation in terms of what man can do despite the challenges.

“During our era, we had recessions almost twice, then we had COVID-19, which grounded the whole world for one and a half years. Coming up with concepts, ideas, and creativity that people can be proud of is something for which I must give glory to Almighty God,” he said.

Speaking on the future of the airline, he said what sustains an airline business is the culture that people put in place.


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