
Culture ministry votes N290m for solar streetlights in miniter’s LGA

The Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy has earmarked the sum of N290 million for the provision of solar street lights in Musawa LGA, where the current minister, Hannatu Musawa, hails from.

The provision made by the ministry is contained in the ministry’s 2024 budget signed by President Bola Tinubu in January this year.

The ministry also provided N3.7 billion for “research and development”.

 Also, some line items in the budget show that the ministry also provided N98 million for a “Nigerian pavilion” at the next Cannes Film Festival that will be held in France.

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Similarly, the sum of N150 million was put aside by the ministry for “art culture information desk” at the Abuja International Airport as well as N26 million for miscellaneous – refreshments and publicity, among others.

Recall that the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy was created by the current administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to drive the growth in the creative economy 


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